Inflation is coming: protecting cash and deposits

published: 06 April 2021

It is likely that global economies will soon face a “hyper inflation”, which will determine an increase of the price of foodstuff above all.

The current economic period has several structural similarities with the first post-war period situation. It was characterized by 9 years of expansion of the money supply and a year of hyperinflation in 1923.

The extreme Quantitative Easing (QE) implemented by FED (and by BCE, BE, BJ and BNS) as a consequence of Covid19 (but started in 2010 to support post-subprime economy) created the perfect basis for a 2.0 version of the economic tragedy of 1923.

Inflation is coming: protecting cash and deposits

Oliver Camponovo: Four megatrends that will transform the world

published: 03 November 2021

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith joked: “The main role of economic forecasts is to make astrology appear credible”. And he was right. The fact that economic and financial market forecasts function in a complex adaptive system is one of the reasons why they are so risky. A modest change in a tiny component could significantly affect a completely different system at a completely different time and place. That’s why I spotted four megatrends.

Oliver Camponovo: Four megatrends that will transform the world

Switzerland’s tax handling of cryptocurrency

published: 09 February 2022

TAX HANDLING CRYPTOCURRENCY – Switzerland has a distinct advantage in establishing and expanding FinTech business models, such as DLT-based services. Switzerland has evolved into an innovation hub for developing technology-based financial solutions as a well-established, leading financial center with an investor-friendly tax and legal environment. This is also due to the Swiss government’s and legislators’ quick actions to enhance the legal and regulatory climate.

Switzerland’s tax handling of cryptocurrency

Discovering meme tokens with Oliver Camponovo

published: 16 December 2021

MEME TOKEN OLIVER CAMPONOVO – In recent years, the rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has been inevitable. October 2021 was an exciting month for all cryptocurrency investors, as the price of bitcoin skyrocketed to $67,000, and Ethereum quickly followed suit. The most notable event, however, is another.

Discovering meme tokens with Oliver Camponovo

Oliver Camponovo: The following Century will belong to Asia

published: 29 November 2021

That a region that in 2000 only represented a third of world GDP in purchasing power parity terms has changed dramatically. According to a McKinsey study, Asia might control up to half of the global GDP by 2040.

According to a separate estimate, Asian consumers will account for about half of global consumption growth over the next decade. Asia is predicted to have half of all upper-middle-income families and half of all international transactions.

Why is Asia leading the next chapter of globalization? Which industries will be the most dynamic in the future years?

Oliver Camponovo: The following Century will belong to Asia

Analysis of the future of finance and blockchain with Oliver Camponovo

published: 15 November 2021

By next year, it is expected that 80 percent of banks will have started initiatives on both public and private DTL. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome because formal legal frameworks do not yet exist, which can be a stumbling block in large-scale adoption. Furthermore, updating the entire financial infrastructure via DLT takes a significant amount of time. Finally, the top DTL resources are unavailable on the market and difficult to obtain.

The question here is whether the investment in DLT is worth all of the hardship.

Analysis of the future of finance and blockchain with Oliver Camponovo

Is the hype about Metaverse for business worth it? This is Oliver Camponovo

published: 10 November 2021

Metaverse can be thought of as a “virtual habitat.” Virtual reality headsets, smartphone apps, augmented reality devices, and other gadgets are used to create online spaces of interconnected virtual communities where humans may interact more realistically and meet, work, and play outside of traditional ways of communication.

The word “metaverse” is derived from “meta,” which means “beyond,” and “verse,” which refers to “universe.” As a result, it relates to a virtual world separate from the actual one, in which physical commodities such as land and buildings can be transferred for digital cash. Humans can now explore places, make friends, buy things, develop virtual assets, and even attend virtual events in this new “world.”

Is the hype about Metaverse for business worth it? This is Oliver Camponovo

Oliver Camponovo: Inflation is rampant, and the SNB is dozing off

published: 20 October 2021

Every day, more terrible news about rising costs demonstrates how serious the threat of inflation has grown.

The September value of the US CPI was released the day before yesterday (a monthly value of 0.4 percent, compared to 5.4 percent in the same month last year), and the September value of the PPI producer price index was released yesterday (a monthly value of 0.5 percent, compared to 8.6 percent in the same month last year).

If a significant deflation was feared a year ago, the “narrative” is now continuously changing. “It’s because the economy is reopening,” “it’s because of high energy prices,” “it’s because of supply restrictions,” and so on. They don’t seem to know what story to tell or what to do, in my opinion—neither in Switzerland nor other countries. If we want to summarize the situation, we may say that the macroeconomic vision has failed.

Oliver Camponovo: Inflation is rampant, and the SNB is dozing off

Oliver Camponovo: Banking and Fintech Trends for 2022

published: 16 Semptember 2021

Decentralized finance is a popular topic that is gaining support. It focuses on transforming the industry by utilizing emerging technology. Decentralized finance’s principal goal is to gain favor. It provides out-of-the-box solutions by operating outside of the traditional financial system.

Intermediaries are eliminated with decentralized finance, and finance is effectively democratized for the majority. Decentralized finance strives to modify and make financing accessible to a large percentage of the population who do not have access to it.

Importance of DEFI as a disruptor of traditional Finance

published: 20 July 2021

The traditional finance system is currently on the surface system with which we are already familiar. The conventional financial system involves an extensive network of companies that carry out the investing, credit, debit, money markets, lending, insurance, and almost everything that has to do with money management. Unlike DeFi, the traditional finance systems are centralized and usually run by for-profit companies. The conventional financial systems all around the world are running on fiat today.
The extreme Quantitative Easing (QE) implemented by FED (and by BCE, BE, BJ and BNS) as a consequence of Covid19 (but started in 2010 to support post-subprime economy) created the perfect basis for a 2.0 version of the economic tragedy of 1923.